Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna 2010-2024 Owners Manual: Favorites list setting

Up to 15 contacts (maximum of 4 numbers per contact) can be registered in the favorites list.

Registering the contacts in the favorites list

  1. Select “Add Favorite”.
  2. Select the desired contact to add to the favorites list.

    Dimmed contacts are already stored as a favorite.

  3. Check that a confirmation screen is displayed when the operation is complete
  1. When 15 contacts have already been registered to the favorites list, a registered contact needs to be replaced.

    Select “Yes” when the confirmation screen appears to replace a contact.

  2. Select the contact to be replaced.
  3. Check that a confirmation screen is displayed when the operation is complete.
  1. Display the phone screen.
  2. Select the “Contacts” tab.
  3. Select at the beginning of
    the desired contact list name to be registered in the favorites list.

    When selected, is changed to
    , and the contact is registered
    in the favorites list.

  1. Display the phone screen.
  2. Select the “Contacts” tab or the “Call History” tab and select the desired contact.
  3. Select “Add Favorite”.
  4. Check that a confirmation screen is displayed when the operation is complete.

Deleting the contacts in the favorites list

  1. Select “Remove Favorite”.
  2. Select the desired contacts and select “Remove”.
  3. Select “Yes” when the confirmation screen appears.
  4. Check that a confirmation screen is displayed when the operation is complete.
  1. Display the phone screen.
  2. Select the “Contacts” tab.
  3. Select at the beginning of
    the contact list name to be deleted from the favorites list.

    When selected, is changed to
    , and the data is deleted from
    the list.

  1. Display the phone screen.
  2. Select the “Contacts”, “Call History” tab or the “Favorites” tab and select the desired contact to delete.
  3. Select “Remove Favorite”.
  4. Select “Yes” when the confirmation screen appears.
  5. Check that a confirmation screen is displayed when the operation is complete.
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