Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: System description


(a) The ECT (Electronic controlled automatic transmission/transaxle) is an automatic transmission/transaxle that electronically controls shift timing using the ECM. The ECM detects electrical signals that indicate engine and driving conditions, and controls the shift point, based on driver habits and road conditions. As a result, fuel efficiency and power transmission performance are improved.

Shift shock has been reduced by controlling the engine and transmission simultaneously.

In addition, the ECT has features such as follows:

Definition of terms
Term Definition Monitor description Description of what the ecm monitors and how it detects malfunctions (monitoring purpose and its details). Related dtcs Diagno ...

How to proceed with troubleshooting
Hint: The ecm of this system is connected to the can and multiplex communication system. Therefore, before starting troubleshooting, make sure to check that there is no trouble in the can an ...

Other materials:

Compressor and magnetic clutch

HINT: Install the RH side by the same procedure as the LH side. 1. INSTALL REAR SPEED SENSOR (a) Clean the contacting surface of the axle hub and a new skid control sensor. NOTICE: Keep the sensor rotor clean. (b) Place the speed sensor on the axle hub so that the connector is positioned ...

1. RESET  When the battery is reconnected: The back door is locked and therefore cannot be opened. Therefore, it is necessary to unlock the back door using the door control switch or transmitter switch.  Reset the power back door system: The power back door ECU records the ...

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