Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna 2010-2025 Owners Manual: Customization

Customizable features

Your vehicle includes a variety of electronic features that can be personalized to your preferences. The settings of these features can be changed using the multi-information display, the audio system screen or at your Toyota dealer.

Some function settings are changed simultaneously with other functions being customized. Contact your Toyota dealer for further details.

Glossary of tire terminology
Tire related term Meaning Cold tire inflation pressure Tire pressure when the vehicle has been parked for three hours or more, or has not been driven more than 1 ...

Customizing vehicle features
Changing using the audio system screen Audio system with “CAR” button Press the “SETUP” button. Select “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. Audio system with “APPS” b ...

Other materials:

Power Window cannot be Operated by Wireless Operation
DESCRIPTION When the switch on the transmitter is operated during normal operating conditions, the multiplex network body ECU sends a request signal to the master switch and the regulator switches which then drive the applicable power window motors. INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1 CHECK WIRELESS DOO ...

DSP Error
DTC 44-78 DSP Error DESCRIPTION DTC No. DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area 44-78 An error occurs during the decode process (MP3 / WMA). - INSPECTION PROCEDURE HINT: After the inspection is completed, clear the DTCs. NOTICE:  Th ...

1. DISCONNECT CABLE FROM NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL 2. REMOVE V-BANK COVER SUB-ASSEMBLY (See page EM-28) 3. REMOVE PURGE VSV (a) Disconnect the purge VSV connector. (b) Disconnect the 2 purge line hoses from the purge VSV. (c) Remove the purge VSV from the air cleaner hose. (d) R ...

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