Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Problem symptoms table



Suspected Area

All power windows do not operate
  1. PWR fuse
  2. Power window relay (Marking: P/W)
  3. Ignition switch
  4. Power window regulator master switch
  5. Power window regulator motor assembly
  6. Wire harness
Only one power windows does not operate
  1. Power window regulator master switch
  2. Power window regulator switch (Front passenger)
  3. Power window regulator switch (Rear)
  4. Power window regulator motor assembly
  5. Wire harness
AUTO DOWN function does not operate
  1. Power window regulator master switch
  2. Power window regulator motor assembly
Window lock system does not operate
  1. Power window regulator master switch
Window cannot be operated after ignition switch OFF
  1. Front door courtesy switch assembly
  2. Driver side J/B assembly (Multiplex network body ECU)
Customize parameters
HINT: The following items can be customized. NOTICE:  After confirming whether the items requested by the customer are applicable or not for customization, perform customize operations. ...

Power window master switch
Inspection 1. INSPECT POWER WINDOW REGULATOR MASTER SWITCH ASSEMBLY (w/ Jam Protection Function) Check the resistance between the terminals of the switch when the switch is operated. S ...

Other materials:

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1. INSTALL YAW RATE AND DECELERATION SENSOR (a) Connect the yawrate sensor connector. (b) Install the yawrate sensor with the 2 bolts. Torque: 13 N*m (136 kgf*cm, 10 ft.*lbf) 2. INSTALL COWL SIDE TRIM BOARD RH (a) Install the nut with the cowl side trim board plate RH. 3. INSTALL FRONT ...

Display Signal Circuit between Video Terminal and Television Display
DESCRIPTION This is the display signal circuit from the video terminal to the television display assembly. WIRING DIAGRAM INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1 CHECK HARNESS AND CONNECTOR (TELEVISION DISPLAY ASSEMBLY - VIDEO TERMINAL) Disconnect the connectors from the video terminal and tele ...

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