Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna 2010-2024 Owners Manual: Operating the audio system

Toyota Sienna. Operating the audio system

  1. Press this button to eject a disc
  2. Insert a disc into the disc slot
  3. Press to pause or resume playing music.
  4. Press the “<” or “>” button to seek up or down for a radio station, or to access a desired track or file.
  5. Turn this knob to select radio station bands, tracks and files. Also the knob can be used to select items in the list display.
  6. : Select to pause music.

    : Select to resume playing

  7. Press this knob to turn the audio system on and off, and turn it to adjust the volume.

Random playback

Select to change on/off

Basic audio operations
Basic audio operations and functions common to each mode are explained in this section. ...

Repeat play
Select to change on/off. Using cellular phones Interference may be heard through the audio system’s speakers if a cellular phone is being used inside or close to the vehicle while the audio syst ...

Other materials:

1. PRECAUTION CAUTION: Be sure to read "PRECAUTION" thoroughly before servicing. 2. DISCONNECT CABLE FROM NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL CAUTION: Wait for 90 seconds after disconnecting the cable to prevent the airbag working. 3. REMOVE INSTRUMENT PANEL FINISH PANEL SUBASSEMBLY LOWER L ...

Enter test mode
HINT: Operation of the tire pressure warning reset switch can be checked in TEST MODE. During TEST MODE, the system is not initialized by pushing the tire pressure warning reset switch. The circuit of the tire pressure warning reset switch can be inspected during this mode. (a) Make ...

Air Inlet Damper Position Sensor Circuit
DESCRIPTION This sensor detects the position of the air inlet control servo motor and sends the appropriate signals to the A/C amplifier. The position sensor is built in the air inlet control servo motor. The position sensor's resistance changes as the air inlet control servo motor ar ...

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