Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Introduction

Toyota Sienna Service Manual

How to use this manual
GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (a) This manual is written in accordance with SAE J2008. (b) Repair operations can be separated mainly in the following 3 processes:     ...

Other materials:

1. INSTALL COOLER CONDENSER CORE (a) Install the cooler condenser core with the 2 screws. Torque: 3.9 N*m (40 kgf*cm, 35 in.*lbf) HINT: If the condenser is replaced with a new one, add compressor oil to the new condenser. Capacity: 40 cc (1.4 fl.oz.) Compressor oil: ND-OIL 8 or equiva ...

Cooling fan ecu
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION 1. INSPECT COOLING FAN ECU (a) Inspect the input voltage. (1) Disconnect the cooling fan ECU connector. (2) Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Check the voltage of the +B terminal of the disconnected wire harness side connector. Standard voltage: 9 t ...

Skid Control ECU Communication Stop Mode
DESCRIPTION Detection Item Symptom Trouble Area Skid Control ECU Communication Stop Mode "ABS/VSC/TRC" is not displayed on the "Communication Bus Check" screen of the intelligent tester Applies to "Skid Control ...

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