Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Terms

Circuit inspection
A description of the main areas of each circuit inspection is shown in the table below. Item Description Circuit Description The major role, operation of the circuit and its co ...

Abbreviations used in manual

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Power back door touch sensor
INSPECTION 1. INSPECT POWER BACK DOOR TOUCH SENSOR LH Check the resistance of the sensor. Resistance If the result is not as specified, replace the sensor. 2. INSPECT POWER BACK DOOR TOUCH SENSOR RH Check the resistance of the sensor. Resistance If the result is not as ...

1. INSTALL BRAKE MASTER LESS RESERVOIR TANK CYLINDER SUB-ASSEMBLY (a) Apply lithium soap base glycol grease to the 2 brake master cylinder union grommets and install them to the brake master less reservoir tank cylinder subassembly. (b) Using a pin punch (φ 5 mm) and hammer, install the ...

1. INSTALL THROTTLE BODY (a) Install a new throttle body gasket to the intake air surge tank. (b) Install the throttle body with the 4 bolts. Torque: 10 N*m (102 kgf*cm, 7 ft.*lbf) (c) Connect the 2 water by-pass hoses. (d) Connect the throttle body connector and clamp. 2. INSTA ...

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