Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Problem symptoms table

HINT: Inspect the fuse and relay before investigating the suspected areas shown in the table below.



Customize parameters
HINT: The following items can be customized. NOTICE:  When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that customization of the function(s) is possible.  Be su ...

Terminals of ECU
1. INSTRUMENT PANEL JUNCTION BLOCK (MULTIPLEX NETWORK BODY ECU)  Disconnect the B6, B7 and B9 ECU connectors. Disconnect the 1A, 1C, 1K, 1L and 1P J/B connectors. Check the vol ...

Other materials:

1. REMOVE FRONT DIFFERENTIAL RING GEAR (a) Place the match-marks on the ring gear and differential case. (b) Remove the 16 bolts. (c) Using a plastic hammer, tap ring gear to remove it from the case. 2. REMOVE FRONT DIFFERENTIAL SIDE GEAR (a) Remove the differential LH case fr ...

What to do if... (Troubleshooting)
If there is a problem with the hands-free system or a Bluetooth® device, first check the table below. When using the hands-free system with a Bluetooth® device The hands-free system or Bluetooth® device does not work. The connected device may not be a compatible Bl ...

TS and CG Terminal Circuit
DESCRIPTION The Test Mode (signal check) circuit detects trouble in the sensor or switch signal, which cannot be detected by the DTC check. Connecting terminals TS and CG of the DLC3 starts the check. WIRING DIAGRAM INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1 CHECK HARNESS AND CONNECTOR (BETWEEN SKID CONTR ...

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